


日期 : 10月8日
时间 : 16:00-17:30AM
地点: 电信系会议室(南一楼3楼东头)

Title : Embedded Multimedia Network Research in NCKU

Speaker: 黄悦民, Professor


In this talk, Prof. Huang will introduce recent research in developing embedded multimedia network system from the co-design of hardware and software at his Lab. This will include a heterogeneous multi-core platform, developed by Taiwan ITRI, for communication between ARM CPU and DSP, dynamic voltage and frequency scaling for reducing computing powers, Android system for multimedia applications, sensor network for reconstructing falling condition, and Zigbee network for controlling home devices. These research projects have been mainly funded by Taiwan industries, including Accton, Institute for Information Industry (III), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), etc. He will also show experimental results of the team he is conducting with these techniques by video.

The Speaker:

Yueh-Min Huang is a Distinguished Professor of the Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan and the Dean of Health and Information College at Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science. He was also chairing the department from 2006. His research interests include wireless networks, e-Learning, embedded systems, and artificial intelligence. He received his MS and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arizona in 1988 and 1991 respectively. He has co-edited 2 books published by Springer Verlag and has published over 150 refereed journal papers. He has completed 18 Ph.D. and over 100 MSES thesis students. Dr. Huang has received many research awards, such as the Best Paper Award of HumanCom 2010, ICS2009, TANET2009 and 2007 IEA/AIE Conferences, Best Paper Award of the Computer Society of the Republic of China in 2003, the Awards of Acer Long-Term Prize in 1996, 1998, and 1999, Excellent Research Awards of National Microcomputer and Communication Contests in 2006 and 2009.

He also received many funded research grants from National Science Council, Ministry of Education, Industrial Technology of Research Institute, and Institute of Information Industry. Dr. Huang has been invited to give talks or served frequently in the program committee at national and international conferences. Dr. Huang is in the editorial board of over 10 SSCI- and SCI-indexed journals such as Interactive Learning Environments, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Journal of Internet Technology, International Journal of Communication Systems, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, etc. He was the technical program chair of ACM MDLT2009, Symposium on Digital Life Technologies (SDLT2007) and general chair in 2008. He was the general chair of VIP2007, IEEE EPSA2008, PCM2008 and ICST2008. Dr. Huang is a Fellow of British Computer Society (FBCS) and senior member of the IEEE as well as IEEE Circuits and Systems, Communication, Computer, and Computational Intelligence societies. Currently, he is also serving as the chair of IEEE CIS Tainan Chapter and the secretary of IEEE Tainan Section.

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