挪威University of Agenda电子与信息工程学院Frank Li教授将于2010年3月24日下午来我系作学术报告,有关信息如下,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学届时参加。
题目:Cognitive Radio Networks: Concept, Opportunities and MAC Design.
报告人:Frank Li教授
Cognitive Radio (CR), a technology which enables smart devices to opportunistically utilize spectrum originally assigned to other radio systems, has become a hot research topic in Europe and the US during the past few years, and tremendous potential applications are envisaged. How to form a Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is an even more challenging task. This talk will introduce the concept of CR and CRN and give an overview on research topics within this area. A concrete MAC protocol will also be presented as an example for MAC design in CRNs.
Frank Li教授简介
Frank Li holds a Ph.D. degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder. He is mainly interested in wireless networks and mobile systems, especially ad hoc and mesh networks, including routing protocols, MAC mechanisms, IP and transport layer issues, cross-layer design, QoS, traffic engineering, and performance evaluation of various communication networks. During the past few years, he has been a main participant in several Norwegian and EU research projects. He is listed as a Lead Scientist by the European Commission in Nov. 2007.