

美国科罗拉多州立大学电子与计算机工程系系主任Anthony A. Maciejewski教授将来我系宣讲本科生2+2联合培养项目。




Biography: Anthony A. (Tony) Maciejewski received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1982, 1984, and 1987, respectively, all from The Ohio State University. From 1988 to 2001, he was a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. In 2001, he joined Colorado State University where he is currently the Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has co-authored over 250 technical publications in the areas of robotics and high-performance computing and served on eight journal editorial boards and over 100 conference program committees. He is a Fellow of IEEE and currently serves as the Vice-President of Financial Activities for the Robotics and Automation Society. A complete up-to-date vita is available atwww.engr.colostate.edu/~aam

Title: An Overview of the Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Colorado State University and an Introduction to Kinematically Redundant Robotics
Abstract: The first half of this talk will give a brief overview to the department of electrical and computer engineering at Colorado State University and highlight some of the research activities of its faculty. The second half will focus on several research topics that are related to kinematically redundnat robotics. Kinematically redundant robots are those that, like most biological systems, possess more than the minimum number of joints required to perform a specified motion. In an effort to mimic the dexterity of biological systems, researchers have built a number of kinematically redundant robotic systems, e.g., anthropomorphic arms, multi-fingered hands, dual-arm manipulators, and walking machines. While these systems vary in their appearance and intended applications, they all require motion control strategies that coordinate large numbers of joints to achieve the high degree of dexterity possible with redundant systems. This talk will discuss the issues that arise when designing such strategies.

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