

报告题目:From SDR to SDN

报 告 人:谭焜

时 间:2015年1月5日(周一)上午9:30

地 点:2021白菜优惠活动网站大全会议室(主校区南一楼 中302室)

Title: From SDR to SDN

Abstract: In this talk, I will overview three recent projects we are working on in MSRA. The first two projects

are based on software define radio (SDR) technology and the last project is with regard to build a software-defined network (SDN) in a datacenter. Although these three projects seems to come from two different worlds,

in this talk, I will try to illustrate that they are actually closely related and share similar architecture thinking and

software/hardware techniques. In fact, these joint hardware and software innovations would help us to build high

performance and programmable networks, no matter wireless access or datacenter interconnections. After

introducing some project details, I will also discuss challenges and opportunities ahead.

Short Bio:Kun Tan is a Senior Researcher in Wireless and Networking Group, MSR Asia and leading the

networking and wireless research. Previously, he has worked on various areas in networking, from application

layer to physical layer. He is the inventor of Compound TCP, which is shipped in Windows Operating System.

He also led the development of Sora software radio system, which is one of the most popular SDR platforms in use.

He has a long publication list on top conferences, like SIGCOMM, Mobicom, NSDI etc., where he also won a

number of community awards, such as Best Paper Award in NSDI 09 and Best Demo Award in SIGCOMM 10.

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